For those regular readers of this blog, you may not familiar with my work yet. My name is Jack Donohoe husband of the prettier, better half of, but still incomplete without me part of the Donohoe Dynasty Mrs. Jack Donohoe (aka Katie)
Anyways I digress. As you can see to the left hand portion of your screen there is a picture of what appears to be a pregnancy test. This is not just a pregnancy test, but one that has been taken, and we are proud to say that we passed it with flying colors.
I mean there was only one question, and I guess you could say that Katie and I began answering that question almost 8 weeks ago.
So what that sums up is that yes Katie is pregnant, knocked up, with child, gestating, got a visit from the stork (add your pregnant term here).
So while this is still early in the process we are thrilled. I find the most enjoyable part is getting to break the news to people, I am guilty of doing this to probably way to many people then I should, and have even told many of Katies friends and family before she got a chance to. Somehow Katie has been able to hold out from telling people, while for me it gets to the point where I am physically unable to be in public with people If I can not tell them. I become almost a social recluse, reverberating back almost to the mindset of a 6th grader.
So a majority of the questions we have been getting up to this point are the following.
How long have you known?
Do you want to find out the sex of the baby yet?
Were you guys planning this to happen?
And have you picked out any names yet?
I will try to answer these questions in no specific order. Without getting into to much detail, Katie and I were not really planning on this happening but at the same time there is really only one way to get pregnant. (If you don't know how this happens I suggest that you have a conversation with my family life teacher from sixth grade) So we weren't planning on this happening, but we can not say that we were surprised that it was a possibility.
We had suspicions that it could be the case almost 3 weeks ago, but we didn't do the test above until about a week and a half ago. Being that this was our first time for this to happen, we had no clue how to respond. According to the directions the test was supposed to take up to 2 minutes for it to finish. Much to my surprise it was about 3 seconds after taking it that Katie says the following "That was quick" After wincing and placing the stick in various measures of light we decided there was no way around it but to accept the fact that we were pregnant.
Well I was thrilled at this and I wanted to start blabbering as much as possible, but we decided that a $10 test from CVS was not what we wanted to base the next 9 months of our lives on. So we scheduled an appt to get a confirmation and I had to wait a whole 5 days before I could talk to anyone about this. For those of you who talked to me or tried to hold conversations with me between the dates of August 2 and August 6 I apologize If I appeared to act like I was 12, I probably was.
As for finding out the sex Katie and I vehemently disagree on this issue. I want so bad to find out the sex, and Katie does not. This once again shows my impatience and excitement. Also I am hoping for a boy and Katie says shed be fine with either. But hear me out on this. We plan on having more then one child, so there is plenty of room for girls to be had. So wouldn't you want your daughters to have an older brother to look out for them? I mean it is pretty much like science or a proof. Also I can almost guarantee that I will screw up raising our first child, and I feel that Boys will probably be screwed up anyways, so we can waste a lot of our mistakes on them, and then sanely raise our daughters. I mean lets be honest, when Katie and I get old and cant do anything for ourselves anymore I would much rather have daughters that like us taking care of us then sons, who all they can do is mow our lawn. Id prefer to look at how we are raising our family more how Japanese cultures do it, they have kids pretty much as their retirement fund.
Finally in terms of names Katie and I thought we had a good name picked out over a year ago if it was a boy. His name was going to be Bruce, and b/c of this when he would play in sporting events it would be a fun name for all of the fans to say. BBBRRRUUUUUUCCEE!!!! So many of our friends caught wind of this and it has kind of stuck. But lets be honest there is no way we can actually give him that name now. If he were to find out why we picked out his name, compared to the many parents who name it after a biblical figure or family member he would probably have a permanent scarring. So now we actually have to find a real name, and we will use every single bit of the next 7 months to do this. But I will admit that with as popular as the name Bruce has come over the past year, that it will become a nick name for him from many people. So even though his birth certificate might not reflect it, he will still be Bruce to many.
Sorry for the long extended post, I just figure I'd get in as much as I could before Katie logged me off for good. Those are my thoughts for now, take them or leave em, but remember this I have never been a parent before, let alone gone through a pregnancy. So if you actually like any of my advice then I trust you haven't either.
Much love to all
Let the Donohoe Dynasty live on