Would I be a bad parent if all I got Nolan for his birthday was a cardboard box? Perhaps... but here are the reasons why I'm actually considering it:
1. It is a well known fact that the more expensive a gift, the less time kids will play it. I also believe the inverse to be true - the less expensive, the more appealing for them. Earlier today I took Nolan into a toy store to get an idea of what toys he would like. Do you know what he was MOST interested in? A piece of a cardboard tag that was on the floor. Yep, that's right. All of those toys at his disposal, and he chooses to go for the trash. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. At home he has plenty of toys to play with, but he would usually rather play with pots or pull DVDs off the shelf or dunk my deodorant in the toilet. It doesn't take mega bucks to entertain this kid ;)
2. Boxes can be fun. When I was little my dad used to bring home huge boxes from work. We would turn them into the best play houses! Nolan is probably a little too young for that, but I still think he would like it. As I was walking Boomer this weekend I noticed our neighbors kids were out playing. They have a pretty big hill in their front yard. The kids (who were probably between the ages of 3-6) were having the best time - what were they doing you ask? They were using a flatted out piece of cardboard as a sled to ride down the grassy hill. Seriously, they were having a BLAST! And I've seen them out there for the past 3 days in a row. See, cardboard isn't complicated, but it's fun!
3. (and most importantly) I actually think Nolan would really like it. Sometimes when I bring home a new box of diapers he amuses himself for quite a while by just pushing the box all around the room. And he loves putting things inside drawers or boxes and then taking them out again. And boxes often make a good size "table" for him - perfect for putting toys on top of to play on - or his favorite - using them as a snack table.
Anyway, I've got 2 days before his birthday to figure it out. I guess you'll have to stay tuned to see what fun presents he gets :)