I can't hardly believe I'm saying this, but Donohoe Baby #2 is going to be a girl! I thought for sure we were destined to have all boys. Jack comes from a family of 3 boys, and I have all brothers and almost ALL boy cousins. Girls just don't come along very often in the Massey family - but when they do, boy are they special! :)
It was really fun to get to see the baby in the sonogram yesterday. We got to see a few 3-D images which was cool (I'll post pictures at some point). The whole time the nurse was showing us all of the different body parts - head, abdomen, feet, kidneys, heart, etc. I kept thinking "So... what is it!? Am I going to be buying pink? or more blue? playing with dolls? or more trucks? softball? or more baseball?" And then finally (at the very end) she showed us... it's a girl! She kept her legs open just long enough for us to get a look, and then she closed them right back up. Very lady like already!
I remember with Nolan thinking how cool it was to get a glimpse of the baby that's inside of you. But this time was different. I think now that I've had Nolan I know what a joy children are. Just looking at the baby girl, I was already overcome with love. As I was sitting there in the sonogram room, I just kept thinking "I love you so much already!" (for the record, this would have happened if it was a boy too). I know every baby is different, and no one could ever "replace" my Nolan - he is so very special to me is so many ways. But my motherly instincts are already kicking in for his little sister. I find it interesting that as soon as I found out this was going to be a girl I already started worrying more. I wonder why I feel the need to protect her more than I remember feeling that with Nolan? Obviously I want to protect Nolan too. But I guess being a boy I know he is going to be able to fend for himself. With a girl, I am already worried that there won't be any good guys out there to treat her right, or that girls are going to be caddy and lower her self esteem. I hope that doesn't happen. She is already so beautiful. And she deserves the best! And plus she has a great older brother who will kick anyone's butt if they try to mess with her! :) I am lucky to have 2 great brothers. I am excited to see the bond that she and Nolan will have!