Today is Abby's 1 week birthday. I know that doesn't seem like much but I already can't believe how fast time is going by. As it always is with a new baby, this week has been a huge adjustment. We got home from the hospital on Monday. Since I had to have a c-section this time my personal recovery has been harder than I expected. I had a major migraine for 3 days which was probably the worst part. Thankfully that has since subsided. The thing I don't like is not being able to move around as easily as I once could. I want to be able to take care of myself and be independent. But I find myself depending on the help of others a great deal. Thankfully Nina (mother-in-law) has been staying with us this week and has been a huge help! I know I should just relax and enjoy this time because it doesn't happen very often! The other thing that has been hard for me is not being able to care for Nolan the way I want to. I want to be able to pick him up and play and do all the things we use to do together, but am now physically unable to do. I know I will get back there eventually, but for now it's hard. Don't get me wrong - he is getting PLENTY of attention. He has grandparents and cousins and friends doting on him all the time. The weird thing is that I find myself missing him terribly during the day. He has been going to his normal babysitter so I can get some rest at home. I guess I just got spoiled this summer getting to hang out. If I were at school I wouldn't be hanging out with him anyway, so it's not really that different. I wonder if other moms feel that way when their second child came along?
Anyway, overall we are all doing well. Abby seems to be adjusting well to life at home, and Nolan is being a great big brother. He tries very hard to be "helpful" - whether giving Abby blankets or pillows or pacifiers or hats or other random things. But he is always gentle and very loving. I hope they grow up to have a great relationship like I had with my brothers (yes, I admit it - while we give each other a hard time we really do have a good relationship - or at least I think so).
Here are some pictures of Nolan with his little sister (I am documenting these so that one day when they are trying to kill each other I will have proof that they once got along):
Family pic (and Nolan trying to give Abby an empty bottle):
The sweetest picture you have ever seen - Nolan giving Abby a kiss:
And a hug!