Sunday, May 16, 2010


This past week we got to celebrate 2 birthdays in the Donohoe family...

Friday (May 14th) was Boomer's birthday! He is now 3 years old! That is like 21 in dog years. Jack joked about getting him a beer to celebrate, but so far (at least to my knowledge) that hasn't happened. Instead he got a giant bone for his birthday present. This will probably last him for a while...

We also celebrated Nolan's 8 month birthday! It is hard to believe he is 8 months old! He is an active 8 month old too. His favorite things to do now are eat, sleep, crawl like crazy, play with the buttons on the tv, pull dvd's off the shelf, walk himself around the coffee table, and chew on the things (he is not particular. He will pretty much chew on anything. I think he is going to have some more teeth pop through soon!)...

1 comment:

Hokiesleeh said...

This might be lead paint, kids don't lick the windowsills!

Yeah stick to the tables and chairs like I taught you!