Friday, June 18, 2010

What Nolan Does When You're Not Paying Attention - Pt. 3

I'm not sure who is worse... Nolan or Boomer (the dog). I finally trained Boomer to stay out of the trash. Looks like now I need to work on Nolan!

This picture is proof that Nolan is willing to overcome new obstacles to get what he wants (which almost always involves food)! I thought throwing the chips away would be enough to get them out of Nolan's way. I guess I was wrong!

*For the record, I try not to be a neglectful mom. It's just that sometimes Nolan does things that are really funny (or so I think), so my first reaction is to grab the camera to snap a pic instead of preventing him from doing whatever it is he's doing (like playing in the dog bowl, or eating shampoo bottles, or eating chips from the trash). Maybe I should work on that...

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