Friday, July 16, 2010

10 months!

Yesterday was Nolan's 10 month birthday! I can't believe time is going so fast. In just 2 months he will be a whole year old! So, what is 10 month old Nolan up to these days? Here are a few highlights:

- making a mess (see pic).

- Walking. Nolan is gaining more and more confidence. He's started taking steps more on his own (without our coaxing)! He still needs to work on his balance but he is getting better!

- Talking. He still can't say any words other than "Dada" and "Mama" but he mumbles up a storm! Once he learns to talk for real I have a feeling he is going to be a real motor mouth!

- He still loves mirrors. I took him into a dressing room at Target the other day and he had a blast! He had mirrors on 2 or 3 different walls in there - he probably laughed the whole time I was in there! When I came out the lady that worked there said she had the best time listening to him. He is still such a smilely, happy baby!

- Playing in water. This includes bath time, pool time, and still (much to my dismay) playing in Boomer's water dish. At least now he doesn't eat Boomer's food. Now he just takes the dog food and dunks it in the water. For some reason he finds this incredibly entertaining.

- Eating. He eats pretty much anything and everything he can get his hands on now. He definitely prefers eating finger foods instead of baby food (from a jar).


It's been really fun to be home with him this summer. He is at such a fun age!

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