I'm not sure if you can ever truly be ready to have a baby, but I think I'm about as close as I'm going to get. I'm full term - 37 and a half weeks - so technically she could come anytime and be perfectly healthy. The doctor says I am 1 cm dialated and 75% effaced, and that her head is down and she is in good position. My doctor also says she is getting to be a good size. Since Nolan was 8 and a half pounds, she wants to make sure this baby doesn't get too big that I can't deliver her naturally. Today she asked me if I was planning on getting an epidural... while she didn't say it out loud, the look in her eyes was saying "because you are going to need to if this baby gets any bigger!" So Monday afternoon I am having an ultrasound so they can get an approximate idea of her size. We'll see what happens after that! In the mean time, I have started back to work, which is a good thing because that means I now have my sick days/paid leave for the year. Our apt. is about as ready as it's going to get for the baby to come. So there isn't much left to do but sit and wait for her to come! Hurry up and come on out Little Lady! We're ready and excited to meet you!
** This picture is a recent one of me and Nolan walking on the beach. Enjoy it because it is probably the only pregnant picture of me you are going to get!
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