Abby had her 2 month check-up and is growing like a weed. She is now over 14 and a half pounds. For the record, that is the average weight for a 4-6 month old. :) But she is growing right along the proper curve for where she started so we are happy. The nice thing about being a big baby is that she is sleeping a lot (hence the picture above)! She is sleeping up to 8 hours on a pretty consistent basis. That is pretty awesome for a 2 month old! She is also smiling a lot more now. There is nothing quite like looking at your baby girl and having her smile back up at you. It just melts my heart. Seriously sometimes I think my heart has grown so big it might explode. I am so blessed!
Nolan is doing great too. He has had a few "terrible twos" moments recently - he just doesn't seem to know what he wants. For example, the other night after dinner he just refused to get down from the high chair. There was no apparent reason for this. He just didn't want to get down. We left him there for a while but finally made him get down - at which point he threw an absolute fit and locked himself in his room. Fine with me if he wants to have a self-imposed time-out. He eventually came out a little while later and was in a much better mood - as if nothing ever happened. Silly 2 year old!
On the flip side, Nolan is still his normal happy self most of the time, and is being a great big brother. Sometimes he just walks over to Abby and gives her a kiss, for no apparent reason. I love it! The other day in the car we passed by a train and Nolan got really excited - "Look Abidale! Look! A choo choo train! cooool!" It was really cute. Love those two!
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