Thursday, September 22, 2011

What's new?

We have been busy over the past few weeks in the Donohoe household... although when I look back on it I'm not really sure what we have been busy doing. It just feels busy. But then again I guess life is probably going to feel busy all the time for a while until we get used to having an extra member. Let me be clear though, while it's felt busy, it's been awesome. I am really enjoying Abigail being here - of course having the extra time off from work certainly doesn't hurt. Nolan has been going to his normal babysitter most days, so Abby and I get to spend some quality mother-daughter time together. Then when Nolan gets home mid-afternoon we are both well rested and have energy to play. Everyone wins! Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks:

The cross stitch I finished for Abby:

Nolan holding Abby - I thought this picture was funny because she is sticking her tongue out at him. This is only the beginning of the brother/sister fun :)

Another one of Nolan and Abby... can you tell he loves to hold her? (Or at least he loves to try to imitate whatever we do with her). It looks like they are both doing the same pose here:

Abby's first bath - she seems really confused...

All cleaned up after bath time... what a cutie :)

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